The words 'some' and 'any' are quantifiers. We use 'some' and 'any' with a noun when we don't know the amount. I have 3 apples. I have some apples. We can use 'some' and 'any' with countable nouns and uncountable nouns. There are some apples in the fridge. The noun 'apples' is countable. There is some juice in the fridge.
Determiners and Quantifiers; a, an , some, any, much, many, a lot of. a/an : ya hemos aclarado que este artículo es sólo singular y se utiliza sólo con sustantivos contables en singular: a pen, a ruler . Quantifiers (many, much, some, any, a lot of, a few and a ... As you can see in the chart, it is important to keep in mind the difference countable/uncountable to use some quantifiers correctly. For example, you need to make the difference to use: a/an, much/many, a little/a few. But for other quantifiers, you can use them for both: a lot of, some, any. Quantifiers Worksheets ESL Activities Games This useful quantifiers worksheet helps students learn the grammatical rules associated with much, many, some and any. Each student is given a copy of the worksheet. Working alone, students complete the 20 sentences on the worksheet with much, many, some or any. When the students have finished, Quantifiers - English Grammar Exercises
some, any, no. The quantifiers some, any and no are a kind of determiner.. Some is an unspecified quantity. It could be big or small, we don't know. Normally it is "medium". Any is also an unspecified quantity. It refers to "one, some or all". So it's a quantity from 1 to infinity (∞). Lección de inglés: Quantifiers Some. Significado: Algunos, unos Uso: Se utiliza tanto para los nombres o sustantivos incontables como para los nombres o sustantivos contables en plural. Se usa en frases afirmativas e interrogativas (para afirmar algo); se sustituye “any” en frases negativas o interrogativas. Significa una … Quantifiers: Some Any A A Few quantifiers, provide extra practice. Ask students to write several new questions to add to the game. For example, Everyone write two questions using “How much.” / Please write one question Quantifiers: Some, Any, A Lot Of, A Little, A Few, Much, Many Author: cyost SOME/ANY/MUCH/MANY/A LOT OF/(A) FEW/(A) LITTLE 3. The doctor gave me any medicine for my cough. 4. There are a little students in the class. 5. I wanted to buy any fresh eggs, but there weren't some in the store. 6. He never gives his kids few money. 7. There is many juice in the glass. 8. Please give me any more coffee. 9. …
Jul 11, 2018 · Quantifiers 1 Test A1 - A2 Grammar Exercises 20 Multiple Choice Questions With Answers Quantifiers 1 Test A1 - A2 Grammar Exercises. Skip to content. Menu Level Tests There is – There Are / Some – Any – No Test A1 – A2 Grammar Exercises; Object Pronouns – The Imperative Test A1 – A2 Grammar Exercises English ESL Quantifiers (e.g. some, many, much, any, few ... A collection of English ESL Quantifiers (e.g. some, many, much, any, few, little) worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and Englis QUANTIFIER WORKSHEET (1) Description : Quantifiers Aims ... QUANTIFIER WORKSHEET (1) Description : Quantifiers Aims : Practicing quantifiers a few/ a little / a lot of Fill in the blanks with the appropriate quantifier. There may be more than one choice. a few a little a lot of We have got _____ cheese. We have got _____ sugar in the bowl. QUANTIFIERS EXERCISES - to learn English English exercise "Quantifiers: some,any,no" created by anonyme with The test builder. 3. Much/Many-English - Learn English Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #856: Much/Many English exercise "Much/Many" created by anonyme with The test builder search QUANTIFIERS EXERCISES on our 100% free site to learn English
QUANTIFIERS QU 1 Fill in: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, most, a little, little, a few, few. 1. It seems we have had a lot of, many, lots of assignments in English this year. 2. How much do we have to read this week? 3. Most , Many , A lot of Americans don’t like George Bush 4. There aren’t very many books in the library. 5. I think he drank a lot of , lots of , much wine last night. Determiners: any/some - worksheets pdf, printable exercises Determiners any, some - worksheets pdf, handouts to print, printable exercises. Grammar resources. Somebody or anybody . Somewhere or anywhere . Someone and anyone. a an some any a / an / some / any 1 Completa le frasi con some o any. There isn’t any ice cream. 1 There’s . Created Date: 3/29/2012 10:54:15 AM
what is there in the fridge? food+there is/there are+quantifiers (some-any-a/an-much- many)+quantities (key+b&w version included) level: elementary age: 10-12 downloads: 3012